This is an original RhondaK sign. It came from some straight up cRaZy trouble. I was living on a $1 boat. Alone. A man with a chainsaw was threatening me most nights. Well, once he stripped down naked, put a knife in his teeth, and swam over to cut my mooring. I only know about the latter as he liked to brag about it. People - right? Well, when you’re being bullied at a power tool level, you can’t let all that panic wash over you and live in your fishbowl mind.
You break it down. Sunset-I made it. Sunrise-I made it. Two times a day, I’d recognize and feel the miracle.
This is the second sign I ever sold back in 2006.
This one is for sunset lovers or dreamers.
When life overwhelms, live for tangible small glorious things.
Ready to ship. I also do SUNRISE.